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Where's the star?

Funny how I seem to be blogging more when its the exam period. Think im cuckoo. Haha. Too bored la. Right Jas? waha. .

I really cant wait for the exams to be done and over with! Then its slack and fun! And Christmas! Have i mentioned I cant wait for Christmas?! *Claps Hands* Think i did. Haha.

Quite amazing how certain people come and go in our lives yet others stay on and become so part of each other's lives. Its certainly quite amazing. Ive always believed God sent these people to us for a purpose. To let us learn, let us experience joy and laughter, pain and hurt, love and care.

I guess most of us have an ideal set of criteria when it comes to people we kind of want in our lives or want to know. Thats pretty much how the world works actually. Sad but true. Im guilty of that too. And I am certainly guilty of reaching for the stars. So far yet try to be silly and think that somehow a star will drop or Ill manage to get one.

Well, it didnt occur to me that stars are already around me. I just didnt open my eyes or rather i chose not to. Always got poked by the stars' sharp ends and yet just brushed them away. But Ive decided to not ignore the pokes of attention. The star may not be the ideal bright shining star;its not perfect or it does not shine as brightly. But. The star did light up my path after all. And still is. And it is the imperfectness that makes it unique.

Counting down to Christmas! =)