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Just had a chat and massage session with my sis and i must say.. Thank God for her to keep me sane and me to make her go insane! Haha.
Anyway, exams are creeping nearer and nearer and stress levels are getting higher and higher! Its a wonder Im not going insane yet. Thank goodness momok(s) are around to keep me going.
And then it would be Christmas! Wuhoo! Too bad ill most probably be away during Christmas. And I do so badly want to be here in town during this Christmas period. Oh well, early celebration then. The lights, the CHRISTMAS TREES, the jingles, the atmosphere. . ooo.. im getting all excited! aIts going to be an eventful December! Only thing lacking is snow! Never mind, Ros. . Ull help me play with snow in Montreal right? Of course, Ull most probably might get to see snow with Hendra as well. Thanks ya. Hahaha. .
Pretty pleased with things now (except for the exams), moving on, slowly but surely. Think Im getting past the phase of looking back and going 'What if?'. A long road lies ahead, a future to live for. Say hi to a new life of new joy and happiness. My choice is made.
But yours? Time is passing by fast, the clock is ticking. But get a move on. Getting hung up is really not it. Lamenting on some things that have happened will get you nowhere. What has happened has happened. Dont keep going back to the past and imagine how different things would be if this and that didnt happen. Ok, partly my fault to have added on to that. Sigh. Sorry really is the hardest thing to say.
Of course it will be easier for me to move on. And i totally understand the thoughts and feelings. But reflections and words and no actions equate to nothing. I love to be of help but I cant do anything if you dont help yourself. I care but it frustrates me to see your care and concern transform to self blame. And not just me, but the other people around you really do care too.
Dont let the circumstances rule you, dont let any decision made be the result of a consequence. Do it because you made a choice.