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Counting down

Im blogging again! Im crazy. Am i wasting my time? Waha. No la. Taking a break(ya right).

47 more days to Christmas! Hooray! Cant wait cant wait! Hmm. . actually what i cant wait for is the process of getting ready for Christmas. Early celebration this year. Hopefully NUS dont release the results again at Christmas time. What a spoiler. Eeks.

Last year i could not wait to get out of Singapore and fly away. Need not be far. As long as its out of town. But this time, there is a reluctance to. What a turn of events. =)

And to the Montreal-going peeps, my dear Ros and Hendra. . Im so envious! But at least you both have each other for company(in a way) in a foreign place, not forgetting cold. Worries are more or less diminshed. Hee. Remember to bring back the snow for me!

Off to watch tv. Oops.