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I seldom complain about things, but this time, I cant hold it back. Humans are really weird people. Like if you know some place is going to be real crowded, and everyone including you is trying to get out of the place, doesnt it makes sense to be considerate and give way when you should? Instead of pushing and insisting your right of way, at least be abit considerate and all of us can move along and get away from the place la. It totally spoils the whole fun of something so spectacular and nice. Singapore is really small. One Fireworks Festival and the whole city area is immobilised because inconsiderate drivers park their cars haphazardly and pedestrians are crossing the roads dangerously.

And. If you are a female driver, good for you. Stand up for yourself and prove to those sexist male drivers that you dont lack the skills they think they have. Better still if you have the ability to own or drive a car. More points if its a nice expensive car. Full marks if you are pretty to boot. But hey, you dont own the road and I dont owe you a living. I pay road tax too. There's no need to point your snot sharp nose at me and act like a prima donna. As far as I remember, its a public road and we are both have the right to use the same space? Gah.

I dont mean to complain so much but these acts really puzzle me on how inconsiderate people can get. Like how a mother could use her kid to push through the crowd and with both shouting 'hot water hot water'! Like hello? We're at the esplanade and not a coffee shop? What hot water??!!

OK, I better stop before a whole list of complaints gush out. Remember, the world is not just about you. A whol series of events can happen just because of a seemingly insignificant act. Just check out the story of 'Crash of the Century'.