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This is going to be such a random post.

Its 4am and I dont feel the least bit sleepy. Ok. Maybe a teeny weeny bit. I think my biological clock is seriously in trouble. This is so not good. On hindsight, maybe its good training for my exams, looking at the state of the amount of work Ive done so far. Zilch. Web surfing was distracting me from my project. EEks. I've got to wake up my idea.

And. Treasure the people around you now. Sometimes we really do take them for granted, given that they always seem to be there for us. On top of that, do realise how much YOU mean to the people in your life too. As much as we need love and want to be loved and cared for, we need realise how important YOUR love and care is to someone. You may not know how important this is until little actions prove so. Like when a simple phone call to you becomes 8 missed calls, when SMS-es to you goes unanswered, when person decide to find out via best friend if anything is wrong; you realise the place you have in the person's life. So, whatever it is, do always know your loved ones always want the best for you, even when things are handled badly, when harsh words spoken, when there's too much interference. They would not have even bothered with your matters should they dont care. Its just hard to draw a balance at times.

So, dont throw tantrums and assume the other person will know what's wrong. Say it out ya. Even if words dont come easy. Because you never know when you'll not regret for not doing so. Not very nice to live a life with regrets eh? =)

I think this is such an incoherent post. But anyhow, I should TRY to get to sleep now. So much work to do, so many deadlines to meet. Superwoman, I want to be. Girl, I am.

They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.