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Im bored.


Ok, Im supposed to be finishing up with my proposal, study for my test on Wed, researching for my project meeting tmr, preparing for a presentation on Thur and on top of all these, revising my work.

And yet, nothing has been done. Great. I love to whine. Haas. By the way, I want to get this Mambo top that's 79 bucks? Anyone want to contribute to the Mei Yen's-Mambo-Top fund?

Passed by the night scene of Esplanade and Shenton Way while on the ECP last night and a sudden sense of apprehensiveness overwhelmed me. Apprehensive about what Im going to do after I graduate, what Im going to do with my life, what Im going to do about my future. Everything seem so uncertain, yet so certain. There could be many detours, turns, twists and obstacles ahead. Thinking about it made me realise how unprepared I am. Or am I?

Haha. Questions, questions, questions. Like, what would I be doing if I didnt take the route I did? What would have happened if I had made a different decision? Who would be in my life if I hadnt made that choice to let them enter? I would never know, because I would have to go back to the past.

Would I want to go back to the past then? Hmm. A part of me says I want to relive the memories I have, to go through the earlier years of teenhood and childhood. BUT. I wouldnt. I guess I would prefer to preserve those as my special memories, unique to me and always hold them dear to me. At times when I feel nostalgic, I can look back and smile or laugh at the memories I hold so dear. As for ugly scenes, it makes one grow up. So they arent exactly bad after all. =)

'What if's' are nonsense too. "What if's ' can never change a situation to how you want it or let you get what you want. They are just redundant questions to make you feel more sorry for yourself. Bah. Only you or I can help ourself to pick up and move on.

Wells. Super long entry! Haha. Guess this week has been a pretty eventful week. The upcoming weeks are going to be busy, busy, busy!!

To you guys and girls, thank you so much for being in my life and being my friend. My life or memories would not have been so lovely and sweet without your presence. Ive really been blessed. God is good! =)