Mount Faber
Is there some way we can dont pay?! I want to see that tall tree! Though its super artificial, but i love lights!
And when are the Christmas sales starting?! It better start just after my papers. There's a long list of things Im going to do after the exams! Though I dont think I will get down to completing the list. But at least its a motivation for me now to race past the exams!
Or maybe I should cherish this exam period. After all, its my 2nd last exam period Im going to have. Maybe I should relish in this experience for now. Yup. Psycho myself to think that way. I shall not whine about exams.
Exams are good. Exams are good. Exams are good.
What am I saying?!?! Im crazy. Exam madness.
And I think I should go work in STB. Im helping them promote Christmas in Singapore. -__-