Back to the future

Herh? What? I look cute? Thanks. What again? I look abit stressed up? Yups. Kind of. Its not that i cant get to ride my that little red car around or my milk bottle has gone missing la.
I went for a trip to my future and I saw myself at the tender age of 21. No la. Im not upset that Im ugly or what. I look pretty ok. Average(=X). But I seem to be having a breakout then. Then I saw the cause for it!
I saw myself going crazy studying for exams! And it was for an econs paper! I was pulling my hair, screaming in frustration, frantically flipping notes, crazily tryin to memorise formulaes and urgently trying to understand the graphs.
OMG! How?! I was so freaked out I decided to return back to where I am now. At least I still look cute with decent sized eyes. My eyes seemed to have shrunk then. Lots. And I dont need to study.
Now, where are my toys?